The Gist
IT Departments need a lot more than point in time detection to keep advanced malware away.
Malware today is nothing like it was a few years ago. Organizations everywhere are now facing constant cyber attacks. To give a little perspective, IT department’s face on average tens of thousands of new malware samples per hour.
According to our partner’s Cisco Systems, Inc, “95% of organizations have been targeted by malicious traffic.”
Back in the day, IT support relied solely on point in time detection technology like antivirus or an Intrusion Prevention System (IPS) to defend their organization.
These tools evaluated traffic at the point in time in which they entered and were able to monitor and left for the IT to determine based on disposition whether what was entering the system was either good and or bad.
However, alarmingly that’s where the analysis stops. In today’s cyber world, hackers have become much more advanced with their malware. Their advanced malware can now even evade point in time detection by disguising themselves as safe files. This can ultimately cause some serious damage on mobile devices, tablets and even the company’s network if undetected.
To learn more about advanced malware protection, watch Cisco’s latest video.
You need protection BEFORE, DURING and AFTER an attack. With the help of our partners at Cisco Systems, Inc., Affant Communications will provide reliable AMP monitors so that your IT can rest with a peace of mind. As the leading IT technical support in Costa Mesa, we provide 24/7 proactive monitoring and reporting so that you can know what is happening with a malware attack, what its doing to your system and how to stop it. To learn more, speak with an Affant IT specialist at 714. 338. 7100 to see how you can start your advanced malware protection today!

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