IoT, the Future of IT is a Risky Reality


The Gist

2017 is set to be the year when organizations push forward the increased adoptions of Internet of Things despite its concerns with security.


IoT is not a new concept, and neither are the rumors of their obvious security risk. However, with the easy usability that comes with connected devices, it is no wonder that 2017 is set to be the year where many companies are adopting IoT devices into their operating networks. What most IT departments are concerned with is the risk towards cyber security that comes with the adoption of IoT deployment.

The reason for concern ultimately comes down to the lack of security that is provided with IoT devices. Connecting sensitive information to the Internet allows hackers to not only use Internet of Things products to gain easy access within their network; they can even be hijacked to potentially become a part of a harmful botnet.

Nevertheless, according to surveys conducted by 451 Research, “IoT deployments can aid intensive workload activities such as security and data analytics, with 69% of respondents saying that they use IoT data to reduce endpoint risks.”

In fact, companies who have already been running IoT devices are predicted to increase their spending by over a third within the course of the next 12 months. Enterprises are expected to also benefit from the use of connected devices within their network infrastructure with a total of 42% of businesses that have been surveyed to have already acquired IoT data in order to help them develop new products.

However, despite concerns for security, the need for connected devices within enterprises will continue to grow in this coming year. With its use for practical purposes and daily operations, IoT devices have helped business to scale economically.

As long as companies can invest in the security of their IoT devices, then the New Year should continue to yield innovated progress for connected networks. At Affant, we continue to provide you with the most up to date security news. With 24/7 server monitoring and reporting, we provide extensive protection so that you can do your job with a peace of mind.


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