Is this a real life IT nightmare? When the details appear as a unwanted call from your boss and words like, ‘Hacked’, and ‘Lawsuit’ are heard, you better believe you’re no longer in Kansas, Dorothy.
Watch our video on the Proactive Monitoring approach that keeps your network running smoothly.
BUT as there is in any situation, hope is here… also known as Affant and their team of IT Management Solutions Specialists (sorry guys, couldn’t help ourselves).
Don’t wait for the nightmare to creep up on you. Set up healthy and happy tools that allow you to dream happy dreams before any unwanted visitors appear.
Servicing the Orange County area and beyond in all things IT Network Solutions, we believe there’s more than just fighting the problem. We work to keep the online monsters away and at bay.
So today sleep tight knowing your closets are clear of any unwanted visitors tonight.

Founding and leading technology-oriented service organizations since 1988. Specializes in Public speaking relating to Business Management, Entrepreneurship, Communication Network Management, Network Security, Managing your Team, and IP Telephony /VoIP / IP Communication.