Services & Solutions

At Affant, we provide comprehensive IT solutions tailored to the needs of small businesses. Our expertise ensures smooth and efficient operations, addressing a range of issues from hardware malfunctions to regulatory compliance. We understand the unique challenges you face and offer dedicated support to keep your business running seamlessly.

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PC & Server

PC & Server

Computers won’t start or frequently crash, disrupting business operations.

Network & Security

Network & Security

Internet connection problems or slow network speeds hamper productivity.

Cloud & Hybrid

Cloud & Hybrid

Lost or corrupted files due to failed backups risk business continuity.

Compliance & Regulatory

Compliance & Regulatory

Implementation of security measures to protect sensitive data.

PC Server

IT Solutions Made Easy

Ensure your business operations run smoothly with our comprehensive PC and server solutions. Our services focus on maintaining your systems in peak condition, ensuring maximum uptime and efficiency. We handle crucial tasks such as running optimally, regular Windows updates, and security updates, including endpoint protection (what some may remember as anti-virus). Additionally, we provide robust backup solutions to safeguard your valuable data against any unforeseen events.

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Key Benefits

Running optimally for maximum efficiency
Regular Windows and security updates (endpoint protection)
Robust backup solutions to protect your data

Proactive Support

Infrastructure devices (routers, switches, firewalls, etc)
Security Appliances (anti-spam/anti-virus, intrusion prevention, etc)
Unified Communication Systems (VoIP telephone systems, IVR, Call Center, Video & web conferencing, etc)


Cloud Integration & Migration Solutions
Disaster Recovery Planning & Implementation
Virtualization & Consolidation Strategies

Network & Security

Fast. Reliable. Secure.

Experience unparalleled network performance and security with our expert services. We prioritize the reliability and speed of your connection, ensuring smooth and uninterrupted access to critical resources. Our security measures encompass secure connections, hyperlink and file safety, and email security to protect your business from threats. Trust us to create a fortified digital environment where your data and communications remain secure.

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Key Benefits

Reliable and fast connections
Secure connections to protect your data
Safe hyperlink and file handling
Email security to prevent threats

Proactive Support

Network assessment, planning, and design
Evaluation of existing network and equipment
Equipment trade-in programs for qualified solutions
Assessment of organization’s needs and communication expenses including telephony, staffing, travel and more


Phone systems, VoIP, Call Forwarding/Routing
Email integration, Application Integration
Video Conferencing, Messaging Services

Cloud Hybrid

Expert Cloud Systems For Your Needs

Leverage the power of cloud and hybrid solutions for fast, secure access to your files, both locally and in the cloud. Our services ensure that your files are always available when you need them, with reliable file retention and backup options. Enjoy peace of mind knowing that your data is protected and easily accessible, enhancing your business’s productivity and collaboration.

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Key Benefits

Access files locally and in the cloud
Reliable file retention and backups
Enhanced productivity and collaboration

Proactive Support

Cloud assessment & planning
Hybrid infrastructure optimization
Continuous performance monitoring


Cloud storage & backup solutions
Virtualization & server management
Application integration

Compliance & Regulatory

24/7 Monitoring & Reporting

Stay compliant with industry regulations and safeguard sensitive information with our compliance and regulatory services. We specialize in HIPAA patient confidentiality, ensuring that your healthcare data remains secure and private. Our solutions include two-factor authentication for enhanced security and thorough audits and reviews to maintain compliance with regulatory standards. Trust us to help you navigate the complex landscape of regulatory requirements while keeping your data secure.

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Key Benefits

HIPAA patient confidentiality
Two-factor authentication for added security
Thorough audits and reviews for compliance

Proactive Support

Regular compliance audits
Continuous monitoring for regulatory updates
Risk assessments and mitigation strategies


HIPAA compliance management
GDPR adherence strategies
Regulatory risk assessments
2FA implementation

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