How to Choose Managed IT Support Services in Orange County for Small Businesses

managed IT services in Orange County

A managed service provider (MSP) is a company that provides outsourced IT support services. MSPs fill a gap where a business doesn’t have the resources to keep in-house, such as a dedicated IT department. There are also managed IT services in Orange County and just how do small businesses tell the good from the bad? 

If you decide to take advantage of the benefits an MSP offers, you want to spot the genuine ones from slipshod or fly-by-night service providers.

Small Businesses Should Follow These Seven Steps to Choose a Good MSP in OC

Treat the decision-making process as you would when interviewing a new employee because this is essentially what you should be doing.

1. Determine the Availability

Your workforce uses the internet day and night, and your network needs to work 24/7. Any problems should be dealt with when they arise, no matter what time it is, and not when a technician clocks in for a standard work day.

You want a managed IT solutions provider that’s available 24/7.

2. Determine Response Times

This is connected to availability and it’s no good having an IT expert on hand 24/7 if it takes them two hours to respond to your situation. Get a guarantee on response times and ensure it’s included in the service-level agreement (SLA).

Another aspect to consider is how long it takes to repair or implement solutions that will fix the problem properly. You don’t want someone who responds quickly to your call but then takes five hours to address the problem.

You also don’t want a patch that will go out in a week or two. This can suffice immediately, but a permanent solution must be found and put in place.

3. Determine Adaptability

You don’t want a one-size-fits-all approach. You want an MSP that adapts to your unique situation, to changes in the market, to changes in various IT compliance requirements, to threats and risks, and to your growth as a business. 

You need a managed IT support service provider who can think creatively and not get stuck in one-track thinking. 

4. Determine Disaster Recovery

How will the managed IT support service provider respond should the worst happen? Have they made regular backups to the cloud so that your data is lost? Have they secured your network and cloud storage to prevent further damage and cyber-attacks?

You want an MSP that implements strong cybersecurity measures and has a plan in place should a disaster occur.

5. Determine Remote Services

While it’s great to have a managed IT support service provider onsite, it’s likely that most of their services will be provided remotely. They must have created a secure network that isn’t vulnerable to attack when used remotely. They must be equipped to manage and repair damage wherever they are.

 6. Determine Hardware and Software Contacts

Networks aren’t invulnerable. Hardware is affected by virtual wear and tear, and software needs to be upgraded. It’s likely your company will need to purchase additional software programs to facilitate or streamline work processes. 

A good managed IT service provider should have relationships with product suppliers and know where to get what is required so there isn’t unnecessary downtime and you don’t pay more than you should.

7. Determine Communication

Never underestimate the importance of effective communication, this relates to availability but is much more. You want two-way communication and not just a response to your calls.

You’ll need communication that proactively suggests changes to the plan or brings you news of changes in IT requirements—especially in your industry.

Choose Managed IT Services in Orange County You Can Trust

It’s evident that reliable managed IT support services in OC are essential to the health and well-being of all business types, no matter the size. We provide guaranteed managed IT services in Orange County.

Because our IT team recognizes how challenging it may be to manage internal information technology, we offer customer-focused solutions. While an increasing number of corporate operations now include technology. However, integrating new technology into your business often requires troubleshooting and identifying tech solutions.

It can be difficult to solve issues when they arise when you work with several IT consulting providers. To keep your business operating, our team will rise to the challenge and deliver customer-centric IT.

To get started, contact us at 714-338-7100 at Affant IT Management today!

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